Welcome to OblinArk
OblinArk manufacture hydro kinetic devices that generate green power to suit the largest of energy needs. The build and installation of alternative hydro systems. Unlike Solar and wind, our devices generate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year with fast implementation and are fully scalable.
The OblinArk Vessel

Environment friendly, “potentially having a low negative impact on migrating fish there may be wider environmental benefits to the OblinArk over other hydropower technologies”,
Acting to reduce climate change, supporting a better place to live for us all.
- Our 180kw Ark saves 600 tonnes of CO2 per year against coal generation.
- Generates 1103760 kwh per year and supplies 230 average houses with green electricity.
- There are currently two production OblinArk options, 90kw and 180kw.
- Each model can be linked together to offer additional generation from a single site.
- Large bespoke versions and arrays can be supplied.
- Manufactured from 99.96% recyclable materials.
Introducing the OblinArk Harvester
1: Very good build cost per KW that works financially with most seasonal flows
2: Smaller units designed to fit within standard ISO container envelopes
3: They cope extremely well with floating garbage.
4: They are 100% fish and wildlife friendly.
5: Very easy and cost effective to implement
6: Very light for easy logistics
7: 2 and 3 phase Versions
8: 20 foot 15KW and 40 foot 30KW versions ( both 2 per ISO container )
9: Larger versions rated @ 120KW, 150KW and 200KW all in planning.
“I’d say hydrokinetic generators are at the stage where the wind generators were 15 years ago”
Jerome Jackson, research professor at the Institute of Northern Engineering with the University of Alaska at Fairbanks.
Latest News
February 2020
The opportunity to take OblinArk to Myanmar(Burma) is an exciting challenge to change so many lives, by providing the basic needs of power, water and sanitation, is an opportunity not to be missed. Myanmar (Burma) is a country where energy supply is critical to future development of its infrastructure across the country, its people and its economy as a whole.
Myanmar (Burma) is a country where energy supply is critical to future development of its infrastructure across the country, its people and its economy as a whole.
February 2019 Having successfully acquired the controlling share of Clean Marine Ltd and Clean Marine Holdings Ltd, OblinArk is aiming to make full use of the Thames tidal power and provide off grid power to electric craft in the heart of London opposite Big Ben and the houses of parliament.
January 2016 Hydro FIT Tariffs , < 100kW 8.54p/kWh, 100-2000kW 6.14p/kWh, 2000kW 4.43p/kWh.
Nov 2015 Corners and curves at The Hepworth Gallery @HepworthGallery

October 2015 Oblin Holdings Ltd is proud to announce that it has secured a 2nd round of funding to build the first of a new generation of gravity engine generators OBLIN ENGINE that will fit seamlessly into the environment to provide green power at the same time as generating guaranteed income under the government backed feed-in-tariffs (FIT’s) and power export schemes. Our calculations from the current design shows a pay back within 2 to 3 years. We remain open to other global collaborative investment.
October 2015 The new 100Kw Harvester
July 2014 Government requested surveys for Africa and Indonesia
October 2013 OblinArk finalist for the Innovation category of the HP Smart Business Awards.

April 2013 OblinArk Client surveys now ordered for Egypt, Peru and Zambia
March 2013 OblinArk to build 25KW 40ft ISO Container type hydrokinetic generator.